Ginkor Fort has been long used in France and Germany. Made from Ginkgo Biloba extract, it is used to treat symptoms and functional attack signs of acute hemorrhoids. Ginkgo Fort helps increase blood flow and enhances blood vessel function in your entire body. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Ginkgo is also known to reduce swelling which makes it a great treatment for hemorrhoidal symptoms.
Those who take Ginkgo Fort for hemorrhoids treatment experience lesser bleeding than before they took the supplement. Ginkgo Fort also relieves itching and irritation due to hemorrhoids.
What are Hemorrhoids and What Causes them
Hemorrhoid is a painful condition that involves the anus or the rectum. This condition has two types: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoid is the enlargement of the tissues and veins which contains the elastic fibers, muscles and blood vessels. It originates from the rectal side or the top portion of the anal canal. Acute internal hemorrhoids may cause bleeding, prolapsed, incarceration and itchiness on the anal area. External hemorrhoid is the inflammation of the blood vessels around the anus. It originates near the anus, at the lower end of the anal canal.
Hemorrhoids can be caused by too much stress on the anal area when sitting in one position for a very long time. Too much straining can cause stress on the veins on the anal area which causes them to inflame. Chronic constipation is also seen as another cause of hemorrhoids.
Ginkor Fort is seen to be effective because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It effectively reduces the inflammation of the veins on the anal canal which results to the relief of the symptoms such as itchiness, irritation and bleeding. Ginkgo, the plant where Ginkor Fort is manufactured from, is also known to relieve pain associated to heavy, painful legs.
Dosage and Administration
Ginkor Fort hemorrhoidal supplement should not be taken with an empty stomach. Take it in between meals. For relief of hemorrhoidal symptoms, take two capsules everyday for seven days. For maintenance, you may take one capsule daily.
Ginkor Fort must be taken with precaution especially those with pre-existing health conditions. If you are under an anticoagulant therapy or if you are suffering from coagulopathy or if you have recently undergone any surgical or dental procedures, it is best to refrain from using Ginkgo. Although Ginkgo is a natural remedy, it is best to consult your doctor before you attempt to give it a try.
If you want a faster relief for your hemorrhoid symptoms without using prescription medications, you can try to combine some of the natural ways of treating hemorrhoids. While taking Ginkor Fort, you may combine it with a warm Sitz bath to help reduce the inflammation faster and relieve the itchiness and irritation caused by your condition. You may also add more fiber to your diet to help prevent constipation which also causes hemorrhoids. The combination of these natural remedies may help relieve your hemorrhoids faster.