Is A Raw Vegan Diet Good For Hemorrhoid Treatment? Will A Vegetarian Meal Cause Piles?

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Nowadays, people are fascinated by gourmet dishes, sugary snacks, and alcoholic beverages. Diet consciousness is less likely to be observed. Some even settle for the convenience of what canned and junk foods provide to maintain the daily caloric requirements of our body. As a result, our body pays of our unhealthy choices. It may not be immediate but it could be slow yet painful. Diet plays an important role in our daily existence. We never know when our body will dysfunction but it is always clever to start preventing diseases and promoting healthy living than to start worrying and spending.

Our modern world is getting expensive these days, for instance, health care assistance. This is the reason that people would rather spend their money in affordable and convenient snacks. They believe that cheeseburgers, pizza and fries would fill their stomach for a long time and satiety will last long. Yes, that is true. Cheeseburgers and Pizzas have a high caloric content; however, it is high in fatty substances that cannot be dissolved in a matter of time. These American snacks have low fiber content that contributes to constipation. It is documented that 10 out of 20 Americans, both male and female, above the age of 50, are experiencing hemorrhoids due to constipation.

Hemorrhoids can be very painful and medical treatment is pretty much expensive. However, if your wallet is empty or the doctor’s fee is not within your budget range, here’s a pragmatic solution to your problem.

•Ruling out the underlying cause of the main problem will bring success. Constipation should be prevented to avoid the swelling or worsening of the condition.

What is constipation?

Constipation occurs when stools are hard to pass. Infrequent bowel movement makes the fecal material harder because it tends to absorb more water. The common causes of constipation are the following:

a) Low Fiber, High Protein Diet.

b) Decrease oral fluid (water) intake.

c) Sedentary Lifestyle.

-Refers to lack of regular exercise and immobility.

d) Excessive use of Laxatives.

e) Ignoring the urge of defecation.


As we all know, constipation is merely a disorder that doesn’t require immediate attention of the physician. However, if the constipation worsens or leads to eviscerating or bursting of blood vessels, consult the doctor immediately. But again, the smart and cost-efficient way to rule out piles is by means of PREVENTING the underlying cause, which happens to be constipation in this case. Diet modification would be the number one treatment of constipation; thereby, decreases the risk of hemorrhoids.

“What are the foods that should be eaten?”

Fiber rich foods are excellent choices for stimulating peristalsis (bowel movement).

a) Whole Grain
b) Vegetables
c) Wheat Bread
d) Oats
“What are the food and drinks to avoid?”

1) High Carbohydrate and Protein contents such as biscuits, cereals, pasta, cakes, white breads, red meats, and eggs.

2) Alcohol beverages

-It makes the stool harder that contributes to constipation.

3) Coffee

-It had been proven for the last few years that caffeine works as a laxative that prohibits the natural bowel movements. Excessive consumption of caffeine might make the colon dependent on the artificial stimulant for bowel regularity.

“Is being a vegetarian a good thing?”

Yes, even nutritionist would advise that transforming into a vegan is the most inexpensive and effective way of preventing constipation thus, hemorrhoids. Moreover, consumption of vegetables decreases the risk of colon cancer and other gastrointestinal disorder and diseases.

Here are the 5 Vegetables that have High Fiber content:

o Avocado
o Sweet Potatoes
o Artichoke
o Spinach
o Brocolli

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