Rectal Hemorrhoids VS Skin Tags On The Anus! What Are The Differences? Will They Go Away And How To Get Rid The 2 Conditions?

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Are hemorrhoids and skin tags related? Yes, but it depends on where the skin tag is. Generally, a skin tag, also known as acrochordon, develops in areas of the skin where there are creases, such as the neck, eyelids and armpit. The condition comes in the form of a little benign tumor. It is quite small, but some cases can be as long as a half inch. This is painless and will not change its size. Doctors do not recommend treating the condition, since this is basically harmless.

Skin tags are more common in women than in men. There are certain studies, which state that this may be due to the rubbing of skin against skin, hence this typically happens in areas of your body where there are creases and folds. This can be left without doing anything, but there are some people who prefer it to be removed due to vanity concerns. For the latter, you have to consult a dermatologist or any trained professionals who can perform excision, cauterization and other surgical procedures to have the tag removed.

Many doctors suggest not to do anything with this condition. There are some people who opt to remove the skin tag on their own. While the process may not be dangerous, you may be leaving your skin at a great risk to some irritations that may develop into other kinds of skin problems. Here are some of the common home remedies that are utilized in removing the skin tag.

• Covering the part with a duct tape until the tape loosens and the skin tag falls off. If unsuccessful, you can opt to repeat the process until the tag has been removed.

• You can also perform your own litigation of the skin tag by tying it with a dental floss. This will block off the blood flow in the affected area. You will pull on the floss each day until the target area dries and falls off.

• Rubbing an apple cider vinegar to the affected area using a cotton can also help. This can be done thrice a day and may last up to several weeks before the tag falls off.

Again, the home remedies are not necessary and must not be done if the skin tag is found in an area that is quite sensitive, such as your genitals.

The condition can also affect the genitals, which is the main reason why many people wonder about the answer to – are hemorrhoids and skin tags related?

When the tag develops in and around the anus, you may already have what is referred to as hemorrhoidal skin tags. So, are hemorrhoids and skin tags related? In this case, yes. This happens to people who are already suffering from hemorrhoids. Just like in the samples above, the skin tag, in this case, is not painful. You may not even notice that you have it unless you felt the mass of flesh when wiping the area around the anus.

The skin tag may also develop if you were able to treat your hemorrhoids without undergoing a surgery. The tag will be left in place of the swollen veins, but this can lead to another hemorrhoidal attack because of the nearness of the tag to the spot the veins that caused your previous condition. It is recommended that you consult a doctor once the pain becomes unbearable.

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