Hemorrhoids are the swelling of veins along the anal canal. Although there is no exact definition of this condition, it can be described as clumps or cushions of tissues that supports the muscles and elastic fibers in the anal canal. The anal canal is the last four centimetres of the rectum or the last stage before stool is finally exited from the body. The opening of the anal canal is called anus.
Haemorrhoids are found in every person. It only becomes a problem when the hemorrhoidal cushion swells due to different causes that it becomes a medical problem. This disease can happen to anyone with no inclinations on either sex. It usually occurs mostly among individuals who are anywhere between 45 to 65 years old.
The Different Quadrants of Haemorrhoids
As mentioned earlier, every individual has hemorrhoidal cushions or anal cushions of tissue made of smooth anal muscle, blood vessels and connective tissues. These cushions are located in the three different sites or quadrants of the anal canal which are the left lateral, right posterior and right anterior. They are different structures of vascular tissue so they can swell or dilate during bowel movement simultaneously or altogether. During bowel movement, these anal cushions are filled with blood thereby cushioning the linings of the anal canal.
How Haemorrhoids are Formed
There are two types of hemorrhoids; the external and internal haemorrhoids. When the swelling of veins occur on the rectal or top side of anal canal, it is classified as internal haemorrhoid. If the swelling occurs on the lower anal canal, it is classified as external. Basically, the difference between the two is their location and where the swelling originated.
Internal haemorrhoids are formed when the blood vessels that support the tissue of the anal cushions increase in size resulting to a bulging mass in the anal canal. The formation of external haemorrhoids on the other hand, is not known.
The Causes of the hemorrhoidal disease
There are different known causes of haemorrhoids and some of these causes include the following:
•Inadequate fiber intake
•Constipation or chronic strained during bowel movement
•Prolonged sitting on the toilet
•Pregnancy especially during the last 6 months
•Inadequate water in the body
•Tumor in the pelvis
•Forcible removal of hard stool in the anal canal
•Old age accompanied by other factors such as muscles in the anal canal deterioration
•Increased pressure in the anal sphincter or the muscle surrounding the anal canal and haemorrhoids.
Prevention Techniques
To prevent the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids, it is advisable to eat fibrous food such as green leafy vegetables, whole grains and fruits. This effectively softens stools thereby decreasing the risk of rupturing veins in the anal canal. Drinking plenty of water or at least 8 glasses of water a day is also recommended for easier bowel movement. If you cannot take fibrous food, fiber supplements is a good option. Release your bowel right away when you feel the urge to. Holding bowel movement makes it harder to release it later. Regular exercise is also proven to help release bowel easier.