How to Take Care Good Care of Yourself after Hemorrhoid Surgery

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The recovery period from hemorrhoidal surgery usually depends on the severity of the treatment. The average healing time is two weeks after the removal. Patients who have undergone hemorrhoidectomy will experience more pain than patients who opted to undergo sclerotherapy.

How to Take Care Good Care of Yourself after Hemorrhoidal Surgery through Proper Medication

Doctors may prescribe over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen and other pain relievers. They can also recommend stool softener to ease the bowel movement after surgery. It is advised to wash the area with warm water and soap to clean it thoroughly. Avoid excessive rubbing to prevent inflammation and irritation. Itching is a normal symptom post hemorrhoid surgery. It is sign that the wound is already healing. Topical ointments may be prescribed to relieve irritation. Make sure to take medication as directed. People may experience light-headedness and vomiting after taking medication. These side effects are to be expected at the first dosage of taking the medicine but they should go away after few days.

Prescription drugs should never be shared with anyone because drugs can have different effects to other people.


A diet high in fibre is typically recommended for patients who had hemorrhoid to help soften the stool. Eat a regular diet which includes fruits and vegetables. Patients should also increase their water intake to 64 ounces a day. Constipation will make it extremely painful for a person to pass their bowel after surgery. Staying hydrated is essential in preventing constipation from happening.

Sitz bath

Sitz bath is a recommended pain relief for patients. It is a bath that uses a basin that fits over the toilet. A person can sit in this basin and soak the area in warm water for 10 minutes. They should take sitz bath every four hours or as prescribed by the doctor.

How to Take Care Good Care of Yourself after Hemorrhoid Surgery and Avoid Straining

Patients are advised to move their bowels whenever they feel the urge. Straining the stool can pressure the area and can lead to swelling. Lifting heavy things should also be avoided for at least a week after the surgery. Driving can also increase pressure on the anus so avoid it for a few days.

Patients can resume walking 6 hours after the surgery. While extraneous activity should be avoided to reduce the risk of straining the affected area, patents are advised to not limit their physical activity either. Increased activity prevents blood clots in the wound.

How to Take Care Good Care of Yourself after Hemorrhoid Surgery to Avoid Infection

People who had haemorrhoid surgery have higher tendencies to acquire infection. Stool can come into contact with the wound and can spread bacteria in the area. Signs of infection include fever and the presence of pus. Contact the doctor immediately after the first sign of infection.

Wound care

It is important to keep the anal area clean and dry after the surgery. Small amount of bleeding is to be expected. It is therefore recommended to wear sanitary napkin or gauze over the area to avoid bleeding into clothes and underwear. Any profuse bleeding should be reported to the doctor immediately. There can also be difficulty in urinating because of the spasm in the urinary sphincter which resulted from the surgery.

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