Internal Hemorrhoids: Diagnosis and Treatment

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What are internal hemorrhoids and how are they treated? For the diagnosis of the internal hemorrhoids, you will have to undergo a series of physical examinations. In this regard, the visual assessment of the anal area as well as its surrounding areas cannot do much in diagnosing the presence of this condition. However, the physician may perform rectal examinations to help in detecting the presence of polyps, rectal tumors, abscesses, or an enlarged prostate. Aside from the determination of the primary diagnosis, these assessment procedures can aid in ruling out some of the most probable differential diagnoses. For most of these examination procedures, the person with the condition has to be sedated to maximize comfort and reduce the discrepancies that the results can provide the specialists.


What are internal hemorrhoids and how are they treated? As for the specific diagnosis of the internal hemorrhoids, the medical professionals have come up with four main grades. This grading system for the condition can give the entire medical team a good idea on how severe the condition of the person already is. Also, this can give the members of the medical team a good idea of what the current manifestations are already present in the person. The grading scores are mainly based on the following factors: (1) dentate line; (2) columnar epithelium cells; and (3) the severity of the prolapse, as compared to the ideal structure alignment.


What are internal hemorrhoids and how are they treated? For the presence of persistent bleeding and pain, your physician may be able to recommend various types of minimally invasive or noninvasive medical procedures. These treatment procedures may be performed in the office of the doctor. On the other hand, the rest may be accomplished while the patient is in the outpatient setting.

•The ligation of the hemorrhoids using a rubber band can greatly aid in cutting off the circulation for the internal hemorrhoid. Because of the rubber band litigation, pathologic structure will eventually fall off and wither within one week. This is provided that no complications will arise during the procedure. To date, this noninvasive procedure has been proven effective for most of the people with the condition. In some cases, the procedure may be somewhat uncomfortable and can cause some mild bleeding for the structure.

•Sclerotherapy or hemorrhoid injection has been known as one of the promising procedures that can address internal hemorrhoid. This procedure requires the physician to directly inject a solution to the affected tissue. The substance is especially designed to help shrink the problematic structure. For most of the people who undergo this procedure, the process itself can cause minimal or no pain at all.

•The coagulation techniques are broken down into three main types: (1) bipolar; (2) laser; and (3) infrared. Given the types, this treatment procedure primarily uses infrared light or heat to cause positive changes to the affected region. In the process, this procedure may cause the bleeding and small internal hemorrhoid to shrivel and harden in the long run. Compared to the first two methods mentioned, this procedure may have a higher rate of recurrence for the condition that the person has. Therefore, this is not typically considered as a first line treatment type.

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