A lot of people love spicy foods as they bring thrills to the eating experience. Hot spices are added to dishes not only to add flavor but they also provide the right amount of nutrients required by the body. People … READ MORE
Japanese Pagoda Tree (Styphnolobium Japonicum) Helps to Beat hemorrhoids
Home remedies and plants with medicinal properties have long been used to cure minor discomforts and ailments like fever, toothache, gastric upset, and hemorrhoids. Nature has everything from the tree of life, to flowers that smell like rotting carcass to … READ MORE
Does HIV Transmission Or Infection Cause Hemorrhoids Or Put You At Risk Of Having Piles?
Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is a gradually replicating retrovirus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. This virus attacks white blood cells (helper T cells) that are components of our body’s immune system. Our immune system is responsible for … READ MORE
Internal And External Hemorrhoids And Gay Health (Homosexuality)
Though a large portion of the society seems to have already accepted homosexuality already, as evidenced by the acceptance of some states of same sex marriage, there are still a lot of communities or groups that are against it. Though … READ MORE
Are Doterra Essential Oils Some Good Treatments For Internal And External Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Though there are a lot of ways to relieve hemorrhoids, such as eating foods rich in fiber, hot sitz bath, and avoiding straining during defecation, many people still suffer from the signs and symptoms associated with it. Most people would … READ MORE
Hemorrhoids and Anal Sex! Can I practice anal sexual intercourse?
In a normally functioning body, the rectum is lined with hemorrhoid cushions that aids in controlling and expelling stool. These hemorrhoids are highly vascular organs that line up the surface of the rectum to provide cushioning. Pathological hemorrhoids are usually … READ MORE
Hemorrhoid Symptom Relief through Hydrocortisone Use
The process of elimination is an integral part in maintaining the human body’s homeostasis. As body wastes accumulate from the digestive process, it is vital to expel the byproducts that cannot be broken down into nutrients needed by the body. … READ MORE
Hemorrhoid Specialist Doctor (Proctologist) – What Does He Do and How He Can Help
Most hemorrhoids can be treated through medications. However, if you they are severe and don’t seem to improve after using medications, then you need to see a doctor. However, it is best to consult someone who specializes in hemorrhoids and … READ MORE
Hemorrhoid Jokes –Heal Your Pain with a Laugh
Hemorrhoid jokes can be very funny but the pain, discomfort and humiliation that comes with it is not. This condition is often not much of a problem but it does affect one’s everyday routine. Oftentimes, the cure to this condition … READ MORE
Do Emotional Induced Stress Or Related Anxiety Cause Internal, External Or Bleeding Hemorrhoid (Pile Flare Up)?
The relationship between hemorrhoid and stress frequently goes unnoticed when it comes to knowing the possible causes of this ailment. However, we know for a fact that for a hemorrhoidal treatment to work, what is causing the condition must be … READ MORE