Hemorrhoids can be found inside and outside of the anal cavity. Their most common symptom is bleeding and lumps around the anus. Internal haemorrhoids can be painless but still produce some blood. External haemorrhoids are the most common and are … READ MORE
Are Hemorrhoids Permanent?
Patients often ask their doctors, are hemorrhoids permanent? This condition can be caused by a lot of factors and the basis of treatment depends on what has caused it. The causative agent of hemorrhoid inflammation is still unknown yet there … READ MORE
Are Hemorrhoids Painful To Touch, Sit Or During Bowel Movement Or Intercourse?
Most people are asking are hemorrhoids painful? If you do not know what hemorrhoids are, it is actually an inflammation of the veins in the anal canal. The normal structure of the anal canal cushions is based on connective tissue … READ MORE
What is more dangerous? Internal or external hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels around the rectum that is caused by stretching. They are not usually life-threatening but certain hemorrhoids are more dangerous than others. When this condition is diagnosed earlier, it will have less possibility to become a … READ MORE
Rectal Hemorrhoids VS Skin Tags On The Anus! What Are The Differences? Will They Go Away And How To Get Rid The 2 Conditions?
Are hemorrhoids and skin tags related? Yes, but it depends on where the skin tag is. Generally, a skin tag, also known as acrochordon, develops in areas of the skin where there are creases, such as the neck, eyelids and … READ MORE
Apple Cider Vinegar: What Is It, How to Make It, and How Does It Treat Hemorrhoid
A lot of people seem to turn to natural or organic products to remedy various illnesses. One of the highly recognized natural remedies because of its great benefits to the body is the apple cider vinegar. For many years, apple … READ MORE
An Overview of Daflon 500 mg dosage For Internal And External Hemorrhoids Treatment
Daflon 500 is one of the most in-demand and most prescribed drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is a phlebotropic drug that must be taken orally. It is prescribed for the cure of venous diseases. Aside from hemorrhoidal issues, … READ MORE
How To Use Aloe Vera Plant For Hemorrhoids? Is It Good For Pile Treatment Or Does It Help?
Most people have hemorrhoids but they are often unaware of it. This is because this condition doesn’t really cause discomfort or pain unless they are overly large or is found outside of the anus canal.
For those who are suffering … READ MORE
African, Arabic, Latin America, Indian and Asian Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are an infection that knows no age, religion or race. It affects just anyone who may have triggered its appearance through their lifestyles. This is why people from every part of the world have tried their best to find … READ MORE
Does Alcohol Makes Hemorrhoids Worse? Will It Affect Or Irritates My Internal And External Piles?
Is there a connection between hemorrhoids and alcohol? The quick answer is yes, there is, although it is an indirect connection. Let us take a closer look.
What Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids or piles are inflammation of the veins in your … READ MORE