Collinsonia candensis is the scientific name of the collinsonia plant – one of the most sought-after natural remedy for hemorrhoids. It is a kind of herb from the mint family. It is also dubbed as hardhack, richweed, horseweed, horsebalm and oxbalm; however, its two most popular nicknames are collinsonia root and stone root. Its roots area is believed to have the most number of therapeutic capabilities among its parts. It is nicknamed as stone root because its roots are nearly as hard as stones.
Collinsonia plants are commonly found in Florida, Canada and China. It earned its popularity when it was found out that collinsonia root for hemorrhoids treatment is effective. Collinsonia, as a medicine, comes in liquid, capsules and powder.
Its first known uses
The collinsonia plant has been a natural remedy for centuries. As a matter of fact, Chinese have been utilizing it to prevent and cure diseases pertaining to the heart, liver, lungs and colon since the ancient times. At the same time, Native Americans have been grounding the roots of this plant to prevent and cure diseases as well.
In the present times, collinsonia plant was first used as a cure for an illness common to ministers – the Minister’s Throat. This condition is a kind of laryngitis or inflammation of the larynx. It is common to ministers because they tend to abuse their throats by speaking for long periods of time. From then on, the collinsonia plant has been used for the treatment of the Minister’s Throat and other kinds of laryngitis as well as pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx).
Treatment for hemorrhoids
Collinsonia root for hemorrhoids treatment is greatly recommended because of the active compound present in this root; that active compound is magnesium phosphate. This compound is known to be a vascular astringent because it can help in the maintenance of the right muscle tone of the blood vessels. Deficiency in the muscle tone of blood vessels would lead to the enlargement of the blood vessels. One example of blood-vessel enlargement is hemorrhoids.
The collinsonia plant is a preventive measure, symptom-reliever, and cure for hemorrhoids. Its preventive capabilities include its ability to support blood circulation and its assistance in keeping mucus membranes in shape. It relieves the symptoms such as hemorrhoid pain and irritation. It can cure the hemorrhoidal condition by: shrinking the swelling rectal veins, enhancing digestion, strengthening the weakened blood vessels and tissues, and alleviating the contraction of blood vessels.
Other therapeutic capabilities of collinsonia plant
The collinsonia plant is also believed to have other therapeutic capabilities other than being a treatment for hemorrhoids. The collinsonia plant can ease painful digestion and heartburn which is related to circulatory stress. It also eases flatulence, constipation, and diarrhea. Aside from circulation and digestion, it is also significant to the urinary and respiratory systems of a person. As a matter of fact, the collinsonia plant has powerful antioxidant ingredients such as resins, tannins, mucilage, organic acid, and saponins. It also supplements lung health.
Aside from physical health, the collinsonia plant is also beneficial to the mental health of a person. A study was conducted and it was found out that the collinsonia plant can improve happiness and over-all feeling of well-being; at the same time, it was found out that it can relieve feelings of anxiety or panic.
The collinsonia plant has a lot of medical advantages. There are a lot of people who look for collinsonia root for hemorrhoids treatment, preventive measure and symptom-reliever. Aside from that, many people turn to collinsonia root as a preventive measure and cure for ailments of the circulatory, digestive, urinary and respiratory systems of a person. It also improves mental health.